dso-5200a dll for dso-5200A

Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:43 pm
by Testman
dll for dso-5200A
make a dll is very difficult for those unfamiliar with the language of c. Do you could put the source of one of your DSO, for example the VT-DSO-2815H
Re: dso-5200a dll for dso-5200A

Tue May 12, 2015 1:11 pm
by david123M
I would like to develop a DLL to connect my own ADC Hardware to Virtins Software. Is there a sample of such a DLL available? I have read the manual "vtDAQ and vtDAO API", but haven't found a hint how to write such a DLL.
Re: dso-5200a dll for dso-5200A

Fri May 22, 2015 8:28 am
by VirtinsTech
After you download and install the Multi-Instrument software, the sample code (MyDAQ.dll) can be found in \DAQDAOAPIs\MyDAQVC.zip. It is written in Visual C++. In Multi-Instrument software, the sample code can be demonstrated by going to [Setting]>[ADC Device] and select either "My DAQ Device Type 1" or "My DAQ Device Type 2" in the Device Model selection box. Now, if you start the oscilloscope, you can see the demonstration.
To hook your own hardware with Multi-Instrument, you need to adapt this MyDAQ.dll project to your own hardware and recompile a new MyDAQ.dll, then use it to overwrite the same file under the software's root directory. Launch the software, go to [Setting]>[ADC Device Database] and add a new device for MyDAQ.dll, with parameters corresponding to your hardware.